Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Angie joins Sit-n-Wait game at Westie Party

Westie Sit-n-Wait game

At the party, westies play several games.
This is Sit-n-Wait game where
owners make them sit and walk away from them 
and compete how long their fur kids can wait...!

So we joined the game.
Angie goes to Dog Training School regularly 
and she is good at obedience.

So I sat her (on the right)
And my hand on the left of the photo.

She was holding it all right, then
suddenly,  ran towards me.....
Someone inadvertently touched her tail from the back.

We did not win  but you are always my best girl!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Westie Party 2012

Westie Party 2012

At last, long-awaited Westie party took place yesterday at Lake Sagami.
354 Westies from all over the country got together to meet again.
This is the group photo for which we Japanese are famous for.
Look how well behaved Japanese westies are!

Chuo Highway from Tokyo to Lake Sagami is notoriously congested
 so we left home before 7am allowing ample time for the party.
Angie looking sleepy in kilt.

354 Westies!
An impressive photo.
I could not find my husband and Angie....!

These girls on the right drove some 300 km to come to the party.
We meet every year.

Angie and I
We participated in sit-and-wait game competition.
Angie is well trained so I was confident we would win.
However she was distracted by others and ran towards
So we lost the game but her full smile made me sooo happy.

This smallish group photo is with all Angie's relatives.
Our great grandad is Moon Pilot but via US breeding lines.

We had a great day picnicing and had fun.
Everyone stay well and see you again next year!