Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Angie's First Dogshow

Last year we planned to show Angie in her club's dogshow,
but the show was cancelled due to 3.11 earthquake.

After a year we decided to show her again.

Dogshow fanciers are gradually decreasing in Japan.
Dog owners are less interested in conformation
and dogshows are increasingly becoming the place for professional handlers and breeders.

Showing a breed like westie requires coat work and showing techniques
and not easy for regular owners to take on.
Competing against professional handlers is daunting and takes a bit of courage. 

So Angie's training school assisted us novice owners
with grooming tips and showing/walking techniques for two months.
This short video recorded our learning process and the dogshow on the day.

Throughout the day, we learned and discovered about our dogs, the breed,
and most of all we enjoyed our privileged bond with them in the ring.

Apologies for some of the video scenes out of focus.
But it was a memorable day for us  
and we think Angie enjoyed the show, too.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

First River Swimming

Tokyo continues to be exceptionally hot with no sign of summer heat easing.
We were fed up with the city heat so
 we decided to go to the upstream of Tama River in the suburb of Tokyo for a picnic.
There Angie can try river swimming for the first time.

Tokyo city westie standing still, she is not sure what she wants to do.

She gave it a try with me.
The water was very fresh and cold.

She had enough with the first swim and....

Eagerly heading back to our 

We had picnic lunch in the tent, 
and later Angie tried again to soak her feet.
That seemed OK, but she did not want to go further.

Back in the tent, relieved and dozing off....

After the picnic, we stopped by at 'Tea Room' by the same river.

The lady owner of the cafe has been working on 15-year old garden.


                                           Afternoon tea

Angie has her smiles again.
Maybe we will try the picnic again soon.